Command line tools

It’s quite easy to fire up a development server by using the archer
command line utility with method.

Command Line

The archer command line script (Command line tools) is strongly recommended for development because it provides a superior reload experience due to how it loads the application. The basic usage is like this:

$ archer --app my_application  run

This will enable the reloader and then start the server on http://localhost:6000/.

If you put your app instance in a python file or a file in some directory under the root_path, archer will find the app for you automatically. In such cases, just:

$ archer run

And the server would start the same way. Super easy!

In Code

The alternative way to start the application is through the method. This will immediately launch a local server exactly the same way the archer script does.


if __name__ == '__main__':


Archer also provide the archer call to easy test a api without any coding:

$ archer --app my_application  call api_name param1,param2....

if you’d like archer find the app for you, just:

$ archer call api_name param1, param2...

And if everything is ok, the terminal would echo the return value of this api, or just the string OK if nothing is returned.

parameters are just separated by comma or whitespace, so a b c d and a,b,c,d are both ok.

Archer would handle the parameter type, so 123 would convert to int type. You can specify the type using : after a parameter, like 123:string, so that Archer would known that you want 123 to be a string instead of int.

Non built_in type

Customized types are not supported, as call command is just for quickly getting some feedback of an api, You need more complicated test cases to ensure your api work correctly, so don’t rely heavily on this command.